Level up your team to strategically lead with confidence, streamline your processes, and take the chaos out of day-to-day management.

Let’s build your amazing team together.

Reduce Turnover

Streamline Operations

Drive Scalable Growth

Enhance Leadership

Reduce Turnover • Streamline Operations • Drive Scalable Growth • Enhance Leadership •

NOT Your Average Professional Development, Training BS.

What this course definitely is not:

In fact - I would be personally offended if I ever offered something like this….

  • A boring training mandated by HR where you play it in the background for an hour while you do your real work

  • A workshop where some fancy-pants ex-corporate executive comes to teach you some theory about being amazing with no real way to apply it to your day-to-day work

  • Another “ops guru” telling you they know how to solve all your problems in a snap of their fingers

“Sam has a talent for cutting through the noise with a smile, pinpointing exactly what's off track and how to fix it. She’s straightforward and practical, but always keeps the process engaging and enjoyable. Sam brings a perfect mix of directness and positivity—making tough conversations feel easy and productive.”

-COO, Construction Company in North Carolina

Why This Course Is A Game-Changer

  • Drive Scalable Growth: Most management teams just act under the idea of “we have to scale, we have to do more” and cause ‘fires’ as they go. We’ll teach them to stop reactive action and drive systematic growth strategically and proactively.

  • Take Stressful Chaos Into Streamlined Clarity: With powerful lean foundations, your team will implement practices to boost productivity, reduce waste, and increase profitability.

  • Empower A High-Performing Team: We’ll equip your managers with the tools to build, foster, and retain high-performers while cutting back on surface-level culture initiatives that aren’t getting you results.

  • Boost Your Bottom Line: Cultivate a team that understands the competitive advantage of operational excellence and continuous improvement to drive profit and client satisfaction

Tailored professional development & strategic coaching for growing teams who need real, tangible results.

  • Your managers are the backbone of your company’s success. But too often, they’re bogged down in daily firefighting instead of driving strategic growth. Our Trailblazers of Excellence course transforms managers into proactive leaders who excel in decision-making, optimize resources, and elevate team performance.

    Why Enroll Your Managers:

    • Leadership Development: Equip managers to lead with confidence, reducing your involvement in daily issues.

    • Enhanced Decision-Making: Foster managers who make data-driven decisions, minimizing delays and unexpected costs.

    • Resource Optimization: Build a team that understands the big picture, driving efficiency and achieving goals.

    • Culture of Excellence: Create an environment where top talent thrives and your company stands out in the industry.

    This course isn’t just about training—it’s about investing in your company’s future. By empowering your managers, you’ll cultivate a stronger, more resilient organization positioned for sustained success.

  • We get it—you’re already working 50+ hours a week, juggling deadlines, putting out fires, and trying to keep everything running smoothly. Adding another task to your plate probably feels like the last thing you want to do. But think about this: what if, instead of feeling overwhelmed and reactive, you could lead your team with clarity, efficiency, and confidence?

    This course isn’t just another item on your to-do list; it’s an opportunity to reclaim your time and sanity. By honing your leadership skills, optimizing your processes, and learning how to manage effectively, you’ll not only reduce the chaos but also create more space in your schedule. Imagine being able to focus on what really matters instead of constantly scrambling to keep up. The time you invest now will lead to less stress, more control, and greater satisfaction in your role.

    • Say good-bye to daily firefighting bull 💩 and step into easier, focused days where you don't have to scramble and pray that nothing goes wrong

    • Create a set of sought-after, career altering skills that boosts your confidence and credibility with real-world strategies to tackle challenges head-on, making your the manager who inspires and gets results.

    • Get the strategic support you deserve with a team who has your back. We're not just handing you the playbook, we're giving you the guidance and practical solutions to navigate the tough issues you face everyday.

Enough Fancy Talk, What Are You Really Getting?

  • 6-Months of Comprehensive Curriculum and Personalized Coaching

  • A kick-off audit to get clear on C-suite expectations and goals to create custom learning tracks

  • Monthly one-on-one sessions for each manager enrolled

  • Monthly company group calls to foster collaboration and shared learning

  • Company-specific intensives to dive deeper into prevailing issues that need to be addressed ASAP

  • Quarterly CEO touch bases to ensure you’re getting the results you need from your team

  • Short, digestible videos that make it easy to fit learning into your weekly routine

  • Resource templates to give you simple, powerful starting points to quickly apply what you’re learning

  • Ongoing slack support in between meetings for all managers to work through any real-time team, process, and other issues

The Curriculum

  • Foundations Of Excellence

    Explore your leadership style and develop the emotional intelligence needed to build trust, lead effectively, and create foundations for great operations.

    Includes lessons on lean leadership, Elements of Excellence, Conflict Resolution, and more.

  • Understanding The Company

    Embrace customer centricity to create alignment in team structure and processes to begin streamlining the day-to-day work.

    Includes lessons on voice of the customer, flat org structures, silos, understanding inefficiencies, and more.

  • Evaluating Processes For Efficiency

    Master the tools and techniques for process improvement and team management.

    Includes lessons on root causes, process mapping, excellence vs. perfectionism, and more.

  • Change-Maker's Toolkit

    Implement better processes and confidently navigate change with SOPs employees will actually use and KPIs that stick

    Includes lessons on goal-task alignment, change management, decision making, and more.

  • Building Your Best Team

    Interview, onboard, and retain top talent while fostering a culture of accountability.

    Includes lessons on effective delegation, setting expectations, communication, and more.

  • Scaling Your Excellence

    Drive continuous improvement and prepare your team for scalable success.

    Includes lessons on continuous improvement, accountability, feedback, and more.


Have questions? We’ve got clear, honest answers right here. And if you want more personalized insights tailored to your needs, book a call with someone who truly listens, understands your challenges, and offers practical solutions.

  • This course is designed to be flexible while still getting your results. We recommend a minimum of 1 hour a week for coursework (2, 30-minute time blocks) and an additional 2-3 hours a month for coaching time.

  • This course is ideal for teams ready to move beyond the daily grind and into more proactive, organized ways of working.

    Is your team struggling with daily firefighting?

    Are you forecasting a rapid phase of growth and need to make sure sh*t is tightened up?

    Are you realizing communication isn't what it needs to be among your leadership team and employees?

    Are you waiting for more from your management team but just not seeing it?

    Do you simply want to have the best team around you as you possibly can?

    Then this course is right for your team.

    But - honestly - we'll chat with you about your specific team needs, how we might customize learning tracks and coaching for your team, and be straightforward about what we can and can't help with.

  • We are all about driving accountability. If we see a manager falling behind or struggling to apply strategies, we'll be following up with them (polite pestering as we call it) to get them back on track.

  • This program initiated with the intent of support managers in the construction space. Though, we've also helped C-suite executives, directors, managers, and supervisors in a range of industries from resorts to engineering firms.

  • YES. We designed this to be practical and actionable so you can apply what you learn from day one. We tell all the managers we work with, if you don't understand how to apply this right away, then let's talk and figure it out ASAP.

  • Excellence through and through - from efficiency processes, to happier customers, to stronger teams, to higher-level to strategic discussions, you'll see tangible ways your managers are creating results for you.

    We'll also discuss what specific results you want to see and ensure a custom learning track to get them there.

    Though - disclaimer - results depend on a manager's commitment to embrace what they are learning and reach out when they need support. AND on your commitment - as the CEO - to want to see real change.

  • The great thing about learning about excellence is that it combines the basics of great leadership with simple yet high-level strategies. We meet you where you are. So, new supervisors and mid-career managers can learn something from each and every module.

  • We charge an onboarding fee per company plus a monthly cost per manager (or "student"). Monthly costs per manager range between $1600-2100 depending on the number of managers actively enrolled. Book a call for your specific quote!

    Access to course videos and resource templates ONLY without personalized coaching for your team is available as a monthly subscription for $379.00 per month.

  • Coaching is the best way to apply what you're learning and get the accountability you need to really succeed with this course.

    But - hey - if you're a straightshooter, highly disciplined kind of person and just want the course content, get it as a monthly subscription for $379 per month.