Making Remote Working Easier: The Top 5 Tools

If you're one of the millions of workers who have had to transition to remote work over the past year, you understand the unique challenges it can present. Whether it's struggling to stay focused in a less structured environment or feeling cut off from colleagues, working remotely can be tough.

But it doesn't have to be. With the right tools at your disposal, you can make remote working easier and more effective than you ever thought possible. Remote working has become more popular than ever before. Therefore, it's essential to discover the tools that would help make remote working easier. 

Video Conferencing Tools

Let's face it: you're probably pretty sick of video calls by now. But the fact remains that they're an essential part of remote work. With video conferencing tools, remote workers can easily hold virtual team meetings and communicate with their colleagues effectively no matter where they are. Some of the popular video conferencing tools include Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and more.

Time Tracking Software

One of the biggest challenges of remote working is tracking your work hours. With Time Tracking software, remote workers can easily manage their work time by tracking the time spent on different tasks. They can also generate reports on their work progress and productivity. Some of the popular time tracking tools include Toggl, Harvest, RescueTime, and more. 

Project Management Tools

Remote workers usually work on projects and collaborate with their team members on a particular project. Project management tools help in organizing tasks, setting deadlines, assigning roles to team members, and tracking progress. Some popular project management tools include Asana, Trello, Basecamp, and more. We use to organize our tasks with specific boards for each team member and client, as well as internal goals. 

Cloud Storage

As a remote worker, cloud storage is essential for storing and sharing files with team members. Cloud storage ensures that files are secure, accessible, and backed up. Some of the popular cloud storage tools include Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and more.

Communication Tools

When it comes to remote working, communication is key. Communication tools help remote workers stay in touch with their colleagues irrespective of their location. They can also share files and instant message their colleagues. Some of the popular communication tools include Slack, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Working remotely has its challenges, which is why having the right tools is essential to make remote working easier. By using these tools, remote workers can stay organized, productive, and communicate effectively with their team members and clients.


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