4 Ways To Boost Productivity

Small teams often result in people wearing multiple hats to get the job done. There’s fun and perks in this way of operating, but it can also quickly lead to lowered productivity that stifles an organization’s potential.

We’re experts on getting things done (and getting them done the right way) and there’s a few key things to boost productivity with entrepreneurs and in teams.

1.      Understand Your Voice of The Customer & Vision

The voice of the customer is often a conversation left on the marketing table. It understandably needs to be part of these discussions so that you have the right messaging and targeting to reach your ideal customer. But it’s importance shouldn’t stop there. Thoroughly understanding the voice of the customer means knowing what they value, the quality they expect, and what they ultimately want out of your product or service. When you can align your tasks with the VOC and your vision accordingly, then you can cut out all the extraneous tasks that, at the end of the day, doesn’t add value to your customer.

2.      Document Your Processes

For a lot of us, how we get things done is all in our head. We know what we need, we know the steps to get there, and we know the rules that we can break to achieve certain objectives. This way of operating isn’t sustainable and can lead to inefficient and inconsistent results. If we start documenting our processes we can i) see where time and resources are being wasted and ii) provide a framework to easily train someone to take over the tasks that we don’t want to do any more.

Below is a guide to help you figure out where and how to prioritize simply and effectively.


    3.      Evaluate and Automate Your Systems

    One of the first suggestions when it comes to saving costs in an organization is evaluating all the subscriptions you’re paying for. When we oversubscribe we’re not just wasting money on monthly or annual payments, but we’re also wasting time by underutilizing the systems we have. Often, we are subscribed to multiple systems or applications that have very similar features. Step back, look at the processes you just documented, figure out what are the necessary systems to best support these processes, and then automate as much as possible. This will streamline tedious tasks and take loads of time off your plate (after it’s all set up).


    If you’re wondering where to start here, check out our Services or Book a Possibilities Chat to dive deeper into your goals, challenges, and possible support solutions.


    4.      Understand Your Zone of Genius

    Something that eats time like nothing else is trying to work outside of our zone of genius. Don’t get us wrong here. Learning new skills is an amazing thing, but always trying to do everything yourself can drastically hurt your business’ growth potential. Take time to really understand what your skillset strengths are as well as the things you enjoy doing. Consider outsourcing tasks that fall outside of this skillset range. While you’re adding an overhead expense through an employee or a contractor, like an Auxo Virtual Assistant, you’re relieving yourself of time-consuming, painstaking tasks so that you can focus on your passion-oriented work.

    Remember, that however you decide to boost your productivity, your goal shouldn’t just focus on getting more done in a day. It should also have a calming element; being more productive should also be about being less stressed, more relieved with what you have accomplished, and overall more organized and calm throughout your day.

    If you’re interested in learning more, then reach out to an Auxo Virtual Assistant today at info@auxosvs.com.



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