4 Signs It's Time To Hire a Virtual Assistant

Business growth demands organization, efficiency, and focused attention - all of which are difficult to do on your own. In recent years, many executives and entrepreneurs have acknowledged the fact that multi-tasking and overwork are not effective strategies in the long run, though many still struggle to accept that and change how they work. 

You must provide the structure and space in your business to keep passion and consistency front of mind. And the solution may be a virtual assistant. 

Virtual assistants can either be minor helpers in your business or your right-hand person depending on the type of VA you choose to hire and what tasks you delegate to them. Not only is it important to be clear on what you need help with, but it’s also important you bring a VA on at the right time. 

Signs It’s Time To Hire a Virtual Assistant: 

  • You’re beginning to feel stressed and overwhelmed with your to-do list

It’s important to bring someone on when you still have time to communicate with them and train them on certain processes in your business. Many entrepreneurs wait until they are at 100% capacity to bring on help. Though, ideally, you should bring on a virtual assistant when you’re just starting to feel uncomfortable with the busyness of your schedule. This allows you to continue prioritizing big-picture tasks while training someone to focus on other “have-to-get-done” tasks. 

  • You’re spending most of your time on administrative or non-passion-oriented tasks

A Harvard Business Review study found that executives and managers spend 54% of their time on administrative work. That’s time and energy spent away from strategy, team development, and goal-oriented work. Keeping your to-do list passion-oriented and focused on your goals allows you to keep your motivation and productivity high. Delegate those lower-level tasks to a virtual assistant and allow them to help keep your to-do list focused. 

  • You’re experiencing business growth and know organization and attention to detail are not one of your strengths 

For many entrepreneurs, organization, prioritization, and attention to detail are not one of their strengths. And that’s okay. Even as someone who loves processes & systems, I struggled to keep things organized as my business grew. Start outsourcing certain tasks now, so that you can start building trust with a VA as your business grows. 

  • You’re realizing that there are certain skill sets required for your growing business that is outside of your zone of genius 

Similar to acknowledging if organization and attention to detail are weaknesses, evaluate what skill sets you may fall short in. Scaling businesses require higher-level skill sets for system automation, bookkeeping, marketing, and other tasks. It’s not fair to your business to continue bootstrapping these tasks. 

As a high-achiever, you owe it to yourself to be realistic and honest about where your strengths lie and where you want your time to be spent. The likelihood of success is greatest when you exert a high level of awareness backed by strategic action. 

If you matched with one (or more) of these indicators, then reach out to us to learn more about getting started with a virtual assistant. 

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