How to Set Up Your Home Office as a Virtual Assistant

I absolutely love getting to work from home.  Working flexible hours around my family’s priorities and schedules is of utmost importance to me in this season of raising kids.  Honestly, I also appreciate that I have no commute, don’t have to dress up often, and can work from just about anywhere.  There are some fantastic perks that come with working at home.

That being said, there are also some important realities to consider when working remotely.  One of the biggest is where you will spend your time while working, and what kind of equipment you may need.  Let’s dive into those things that are non-negotiables, and also consider some of the things that may make work from home a bit easier.

Choose the Best Location for Your Home Office

Deciding where you will have your home office is the first step you should take.  This will vary from person to person, and can even fluctuate with your season of life.  I know VAs who work out of their bedroom, those who work at the kitchen table, others that claim a quiet corner of their house, and still others who have designated offices.  While having a dedicated office is nice, it’s not a luxury everyone has, so don’t feel like that’s something you must have before you get started. 

What you do need is a place that is free from distractions, so that you can stay focused on completing your tasks.  Each person will be different in how much noise or commotion they can handle.  I prefer to have background music on when I’m working, but often the background I hear is conversations among my kids.  I can tune that out when I’m working, but it’s important that I have a quiet place to withdraw to when I have a phone or video call.  Having interruptions from pets, kids or other commotions is unprofessional and distracting in a work meeting.  There are also times when a task requires my undivided attention, so I save that until a time all the kids are at an activity or after their bedtime.

Invest in Comfortable Furniture

If you are planning to be sitting somewhere for a few hours a day, you’re going to want something comfortable.  Consider trying out a few different styles in person before making a decision.  My husband had his eye set on a particular style of chair and ordered it online.  When it arrived, he was sorely disappointed that it was not nearly as comfortable for his tall frame as he expected.  Spending a little bit of time up front to research and sit in a few chairs can alleviate this frustration.

You’ll also want to consider a desk or structure that is appropriate for your height, plus a keyboard and mouse that are a good fit for you.  Carpal tunnel can develop from improper usage of those.  Also be observant of how the rest of your body fits in your setup.  If you have a corner desk, be sure your arms don’t rest on the desktop, as bursitis can develop in your elbow joints as well.  You’ll want to ensure that your setup is comfortable for long term use and not place unnecessary strain on your body.

Gather the Necessary Supplies & Equipment 

Before you start as a VA, ask yourself what’s really necessary.  There are some things that are essential, but there are other things that really come down to preference.  If you’re going to be working from home, a well-functioning computer with internet access and a webcam is a must.  Both PCs and laptops have their strong points.  I prefer a PC because of a larger screen and keyboard, but I also like being able to take a laptop with me wherever I go.  You’ll need to make that choice based on your preferences and budget.

You’ll also need a smartphone.  While a computer is where you will do much of your work, there are times when a phone is essential too.  Some of my clients prefer connecting over text, and sometimes I need to make phone calls for my clients.  I also have found it helpful to have access to some work apps when I’m not at home.

Beyond a computer and phone, there are items that are going to vary in usefulness from one VA to another.  Many VAs will do their work entirely online, so having a printer isn’t necessary.  I personally do print out some things that I find easier to read on paper versus online.  I also print out claim appeals to mail into insurance for one of my clients, so a printer has become a necessity for me.  Knowing what kind of tasks you may be asked to do will be helpful in deciding if a printer is required or not.

Headphones are also one of those items that can be a benefit, but aren’t always necessary.  Some of my coworkers prefer using headphones or headsets, but I actually prefer to have a little bit of background noise when I work.  I just ensure that there aren’t any distractions when I’m on the phone or online with a client or team member.

Establish an Organized Filing System 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to go out and buy a filing cabinet and start a fancy filing system, unless that’s something you want to do.  If you do all of your work online, you likely won’t even be filing anything.  It is a good idea to have a plan for how you will store client meeting notes.  Some people like to use a notebook to write everything down and others will type notes on their computer, or directly into a task management system.  I like to print out an outline for our weekly update meeting and make my notes there, then save my printouts in one folder for easy retrieval.  It’s really whatever works best for you and helps you be the most efficient and productive.

The one filing system you do need to have is online.  Ideally, you will keep your files in a place where both you and your client can have access.  I prefer using Google Drive, but some people may prefer OneDrive.  That will be something you’ll want to discuss with your client(s) and establish a system that works well for them.  

If you visit the homes of all the Auxo virtual assistants, you will find a different home office setup in each one.  While we’re all doing similar work, we also work in our own unique ways.  Some of us have kids doing schoolwork or practicing piano in the background, while others have a pet to keep us company.  One thing that is consistent - we’re all thankful to be working from the comfortable spaces of our homes rather than a boring cubicle.


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