Is Your Personal Gas Tank Running on Fumes? Here's How to Boost Your Productivity

This is Sam. Sam waited to fill her tank until she was practically on empty. Don’t be like Sam.

What does your gas tank look like these days? I don’t mean your car’s gas tank (although, maybe you should take a peek at that before heading home tonight so you don’t get stranded!).  

I’m referring to your personal gas tank. Your energy tank, if you prefer. 

Are you taking time to fill up your energy tank or are you letting it run on empty?

The truth is, we all have seasons where we feel like we’re running on empty. There is a difference between embracing this for a season and staying in this zone. 

When you’re embracing high levels of activity for a season, you:

  • Have a busy calendar for a short period of time

  • Feel motivated to push through with an end date in sight

  • Schedule lower priority tasks to be completed after a project push

  • Focused on a specific goal with a clear, positive ROI

Most importantly, your season has an end date. When we move from embracing to enduring indefinitely, we are running on fumes. 

Here are a few signs you might be running on fumes:

  • You’ve missed out on fun times with your family because you were still working at the office

  • You never get around to the low priority tasks 

  • You feel stressed or on edge throughout the day, consistently 

  • You’ve missed several goal milestones and project ROIs diminish

Do any of these ring true for you?  Schedule a Possibilities Chat today if you’re ready to stop running on fumes. 

If you’ve been running on fumes for a while, you’ve started to ignore the “check engine light”, i.e. those signs I listed above, and are accepting this as your new normal or status quo. 

It’s time to pause and evaluate. 

Get clear on your top goals and priorities, your team’s dynamics and productivity, and what you can delegate

Figuring out what you can delegate is a quickfire and sustainable way to fill up your gas tank - and keep it full. 

56% of a manager’s workday is spent on administrative tasks - calendar management, expense reporting, travel planning, etc. Delegating these tasks out to an assistant allows you to have more time to focus on high-level, strategic work. 

You can focus less on reaching the next gas station to fuel up and focus more on where you’re driving. 

Auxo Business Services focuses on harnessing your productivity so you can take better advantage of the opportunities around you and produce better, more innovative results. If you’re ready to have an assistant drive alongside you and keep your gas tank full, schedule a possibilities chat with us today. 


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