How to Feel Less Busy and More Productive as a CEO

There will always be more to do tomorrow. That doesn’t mean that we should embrace procrastination, but it does offer a realistic perspective on the long work days that we often fall into. 

It’s not uncommon for these long days to feel busy, but not bear the fruit of true productivity. As a CEO, owner, or manager, it’s important to recognize the value of the tasks you put on your to-do list. 

The goal with productivity is not to do more but to see direct results from the time and energy we’re putting into tasks, knowing that whatever we are doing is somehow moving our goals forward. 

Here are 4 tips you can put into action today. 

Habituate Simplification 

Keep things simple. There are always things that require our attention. Keeping our processes and tasks simple, without sacrificing quality, allows us to reduce how many decisions we need to make while also helping us get the work done more quickly. 

It’s easy to fall into a trap of overcomplicating certain tasks and processes. To avoid this, implement efficient, lean-inspired processes that address root causes, foster communication, and keep things organized. 

Automate or Delegate Low-Value Work 

Getting low-value work off your to-do list is the quickest way to relieve stress and free up your time. Using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix can help determine which tasks don’t deserve a spot on your to-do list. 

Delegating tasks to a virtual assistant allows you to partner with someone behind-the-scenes to offload trivial routine tasks and urgent, miscellaneous tasks. Alternatively, or in combination with a virtual assistant, you can automate tasks such as client or team notifications, data entry from one system to another, or other small tasks that just must be done.

Leverage systems that can eliminate meetings and emails

Project and task management tools, such as, allow you to keep track of the status of certain tasks. This eliminates the need for back-and-forth email communication or having to call a team member to get an update. Weekly check-ins or daily stand-ups still have their own value, but these tools allow easier exchange of information and keep meetings short. 


Manage your energy, not just your time 

A huge factor in productivity is timing. Knowing when you need rest and knowing when you have the best focus to tackle high-value projects or dive into deep work. While there are a number of time management strategies you can experiment with, you can give yourself a leg up by understanding when you are at your most energetic or most focused throughout the day. 

Auxo Business Services are experts in harnessing your productivity. We believe that every business leader should have a secret weapon – a partner that removes blocks, defends precious time, and helps you turn your business strategy into an implemented success story. We are your behind-the-scenes fighters that will maximize your productivity and profitability.

Connect with us today to learn how we can fight for you.


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