How Processes Impact Your Small Business

What are processes

Your processes are the defined ways you complete tasks in your business. Whether you have invested time into developing your processes or not, your business has a unique way of operating and functioning. 

Everything you do in your business is a process - how you nurture leads, how you onboard clients, how you bill clients, how you train employees, etc. And, oftentimes, no matter how customizable your services are or how specialized your skillset, your processes can be standardized. 

It’s important to note that standardization doesn’t mean rigid. Processes can be developed with flexibility, creativity, and growth in mind!  

How processes improve your business

Your processes determine how organized, productive, focused, and efficient you and your team can be.

When your processes are inefficient, you’re likely being unproductive. A Hubspot study found that lost productivity accounts for $1.8 Trillion in lost revenue for US-based businesses every year!

Businesses that implement efficient processes (these are processes with a lean or lean six sigma foundation), can recover 20-30% of their revenue potential. This is revenue your business already has the potential to make! It’s money on the table that is being lost from inconsistently delivered services, reduced operational or overhead costs, reduced lead times, and removed errors. 

Efficient processes are like the habits of your business. As James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, writes, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems”. 

The same is true in business - you and your team will not rise to the level of your goals. You ultimately fall to the efficiency of the processes you have in place. Which, if you haven’t developed them thoughtfully, are usually disorganized, slightly chaotic, and inconsistent. 

Why invest before growth 

It’s not uncommon for us to meet with clients who decided to jump head first into maxing their marketing budget. For some entrepreneurs, they can initially scale their business with little side effects. But for many of us who are more visionary than detail oriented, this kind of approach means growth without organization. Which means we could be misplacing leads, we could be constantly changing how we price or deliver a service (often leading to scope creep), and we could be losing our minds in all the to-do’s.

When you decide to get your processes in check, automate your systems, and organize the backend of your business before forecasted growth, you are treating yourself to organized scaling. You’re giving yourself the space to grow systematically, with consistency, organization, focus, and productivity at your side. You’re less likely to let leads fall through the cracks. You’re more likely to bill (and collect) for the services you want to provide (and that are clearly stated in a contract or proposal). Quite simply, you’re more likely to grow while feeling in control - an entrepreneur’s dream!

For more ideas on how to get organized in your business, check out our “Simplify How You Prioritize Guide” or our Resources Page. 

For our recommendation on the processes you need to evaluate first, check out our blog post, “The Top Processes & Systems Your Business Needs to Succeed

Or, if you’re ready to whip your processes and systems into shape, then reach out to us here


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