3 Ways To Stay On Top of Your New Year Business Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions can so easily become the ‘attempted habit of the first two weeks of January.’ This is often because the goal can feel too large to take on and because people fail to put systems in place to accomplish their goal. 

If you’re taking the time to strategize and develop goals, then make sure they don’t just live in a word document for you to look back at once a quarter. Equip yourself with the proper structure to bring your goals to life. 

Here are 3 simple ways to get started: 

  1. Use a task management system to break down and track your goals

    Find a way to display them for you (and your team) to frequently refer back to so you can make sure your tasks and projects are always pushing your goals forward. By displaying your goals, you can easily understand the monthly and quarterly action items needed to accomplish them.      

    I do this for my team and for my clients with Monday.com. This task and project management system allows us to create project boards with our annual and quarterly goals, dashboards that visually display KPI data, and online working docs to easily collaborate on meeting notes and action items. 


  2. Embrace vulnerability with your team and lean on them to support your vision

    One of the biggest transformations in 2022 was when I relinquished a need to keep certain information ‘locked up.’ When I embraced my team and maximized our resources, I started to see a shift in how our goals were progressing. 

    Allow your walls as a CEO to break away so that your team can become invested in your business vision. You’ll be surprised by how this level of investment changes how your team shows up. Take it one step further by not just leaning on your team but investing in their skill sets - this could help you overachieve your goals. 

  3. Know when to say ‘No’ to protect your time and energy 

    Protecting your time and energy is essential for growing your business and becoming a strong, strategic CEO. Not everything deserves your immediate attention. Not everything deserves a place on your calendar. 

Utilizing a virtual assistant can help you protect your time by keeping your to-do list goal and passion oriented. Then when something requires your attention, they help you stay on top of it. 

Implementing these 3 tips will help keep your goals front of mind with a clear finish line always in sight.


    Embracing And Investing in Your Team in the New Year


    4 Ways To Break Your Habits Of Disorganization