From Good to Great: Uncovering the Essential Qualities Every Admin Assistant Should Possess

Do you remember that superhero in your office who seemed to have an uncanny knack for keeping everything in perfect order? They are the ones that everyone says “well just give it to Sally, she can figure this out.” The one who could find that elusive file in a jiffy or schedule meetings like a seasoned conductor leading an orchestra? Yes, I’m talking about the quintessential administrative assistant. Their role in businesses is often underappreciated, yet without them, our work days would resemble a bustling city during rush hour – chaotic and stressful.

Administrative roles have come a long way from the traditional ‘gatekeeper’ image. The advent of technology has not only broadened the scope of their tasks but also changed the way these tasks are performed. From managing schedules and organizing files to coordinating communications and handling customer service, today’s admin assistants are the backbone of any successful business. A backbone that can exist remotely. 

Virtual assistants (VA) have emerged as a vital part of this trend, providing small business owners with a new level of flexibility and efficiency thought to be limited to executives with corporate budgets to back their support. And it’s important to not just find a good assistant, but an amazingly, super helpful, great one. 


The Essential Qualities of a Great Admin Assistant

Imagine you’re putting together a puzzle. A ‘good doer’ is an assistant who helps you find the pieces, but a ‘great thinker & doer’ is the one who not only finds the pieces but also anticipates where they fit in the bigger picture. They’re the ones who turn the puzzle into a masterpiece. So, what sets apart the great from the good? Let’s delve into it:

  • Excellent Time Management Skills: Great assistants not only manage deadlines well, but will understand how their time and your time needs to be managed according to your priorities and goals. They’ll be able to push back on projects and tasks that don’t align with previously set priorities. 

  • Proactive Problem Solving: Once they understand your rhythm, great assistants can anticipate your needs, see potential challenges, adapt quickly, and brainstorm solutions in stride. Once you’ve worked with them long enough, they are your second brain (your Donna to your Harvey for any Suits fans). 

  • Superb Communication Skills: Good assistants communicate; great ones connect. They adapt their communication style to suit your needs, fostering an environment of understanding and respect. Whether it’s resolving conflicts or representing your brand to clients, their words reflect your ethos.

  • Figure-It-Out Mentality: If a task were a mountain, a good assistant would climb it. A great one, however, would find a way to move it. They’re not intimidated by new challenges. Instead, they use them as opportunities to learn, innovate, and deliver beyond expectations. They ask the right questions and find the best solutions, ensuring every task is a step towards success. At Auxo, we call this the Champion Mentality

The Advantage of Virtual Assistants

As a business owner, every minute counts – whether it’s a minute that you need to catch your breath, a minute to find your next lead, or a minute to focus on personal goals and not on the business. And the challenges are constant. But it’s not something you have to go at alone.

The role of an administrative or executive assistant has evolved from being a mere supporter to a strategic partner. It’s a role that’s accessible to small business budgets through virtual assistants. Hiring a virtual assistant from Auxo Business Services doesn’t just alleviate the stress associated with administrative tasks; it transforms the way you approach your daily operations.

Having a reliable administrative partner allows you to decrease stress, avoid burnout, boost motivation and focus, improve back-end efficiency, and so many other things that positively impact your professional and personal life. The bonus of working with Auxo is having US-Based assistants who are vetted for experience, receive continuous training, and show up with their best selves to help you succeed.

Elevate Your Efficiency, Delegate with Confidence

Ready to experience the transformative power of a great assistant? Download our Delegation Checklist to discover which tasks can be seamlessly delegated, allowing you to optimize your delegation workflow. Alternatively, schedule a call to explore how our professional virtual assistants can elevate your business to new heights. It’s time to move from good to great with Auxo by your side.


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