How Outsourcing Your Tasks Makes You a Better Wellness Provider 

Your health business is founded on a motivation to help those around you with specific problems. You want to help them be better in some way, to prioritize an area of their wellness to be better. 

You likely didn’t realize how much of a priority the administrative end of your business would take day in and day out. It can be mentally draining, leaving little passionate energy for the people you want to be helping. Your clients and patients deserve you at your best self which is hard to obtain when your to-do list is distracted with running your business. 

Here are a few ways to help keep your to-do list passion-oriented: 

1. Patient Scheduling 

Probably one of the most important tasks is actually getting appointments on the calendar! Albeit, this can be difficult to keep up with. We suggest introducing a time-efficient tool such as Theranest, which can integrate with your Google Calendar to help track your patient bookings. Also seeking support from a virtual assistant to help confirm appointments or get clients rescheduled keeps your mind off tedious email follow ups and focused on your next client. 

2. File Management

What about the time spent on patient forms? Are you behind on last year’s state filing? These are necessary documents to not only keep your data organized but also within regulatory compliance. Outsourcing these tasks can allow you to always have current client files to refer to before and after appointments. Consider hiring a virtual assistant to maintain current client files and clean up the client files you have gotten behind on. 

3.  Billing and Health Insurance Verification 

Outsourcing your billing can allow for streamlined processes alleviating the stress of keeping track of who has and hasn’t paid. A second set of eyes also helps make sure everyone pays on time and nothing is lost. If your practice accepts health insurance, that’s just another time block of your week wasted on a non-passionate task (unless you enjoy calling insurance companies and waiting on hold…) The health insurance world is constantly changing. Whether it is keeping track of your clients deductible or co-pay, outsourcing the task of tracking and verifying insurance can save you hours of work and stress!

Trusting an assistant to manage some of the back-end tasks of your business gives you the space you need to be at your best. You’re removing tasks that are outside of your zone of genius so that you can maintain the energy and motivation that you, your business, and your clients deserve. 

If you feel stressed from never-ending to-do lists and scattered processes, consider reaching out to us to help optimize how you do business. Our intensives are created to help your business run more smoothly while you scale so that you can focus more on your passion than worry. 


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