3 Things To Do Heading Into Q3 

Did the first half of the year go a little quicker than you thought? If you’re feeling off track and didn’t hit your Q1 and Q2 goals, don’t freak out. There’s still time…little time, but time! 

Being ambitious contributed to your entrepreneurial spirit. Albeit, sometimes this visionary tendency can propel you forward into a huge, crashing wave. As you head into the third quarter, it’s important that you find a way to build or maintain direction and purpose in your visionary actions. 

First, review your goals and your plan: 

  • What did you not achieve in the first half of the year?

    If you’re feeling like you didn’t accomplish as much as you wanted in the past few months, then take some time to evaluate why and how. Take a hard look at what goals you set and how exactly you underperformed. Maybe you poorly framed your goal and you actually did crush it. Maybe you were overwhelmed and allowed too many non-essential things to distract you. Either way, identifying where you may have underperformed will give you clarity on how to move forward. 

  • What are your top goals for the next 6 months?

    We’ve got less than 6 months to kick ass! Make sure to pick your battles strategically by focusing on your most important goals. If you’re struggling to identify which goals to focus on, try reaching out to a business coach or mentor.

  • What dates will you review your goal progress?

    It’s easy to spend quite a bit of energy and time creating a goal plan only to forget about it in a month. I would recommend treating your goals like projects with targets and deadlines. Add meeting times  to your calendar (even if you don’t have a team to review with) to ensure you set aside time to review. 

    Champion Tip: Create a Goals Board in a task management system, such as Monday.com, so you can easily reference your goal plan. 

Second, get prepared and organized:

  • What do you need to do consistently to achieve these goals? 

    Aside from committing to a few deadlines and review dates, you’ll experience success these next few months if you understand how you’ll actually be accomplishing these goals. Get clear on what tasks are necessary to accomplish your goals as well as what consistency you need to introduce into your actions such as consistently showing up on social media, consistently reaching out to clients for reviews, or consistently meeting with your team. 

    Hint: inconsistency may have been something you identified in the first step as a reason you didn’t hit some of your goals. 

    Champion Tip: Add your action items or goal milestones to your Goal Board! 

  • What time management techniques work best for you?

    There’s a lot of time management and productivity strategies out there. If you know what works for you, then make sure to implement it! If you are still figuring things out, then start experimenting. 

    We’ve listed a few strategies in our blog post: Three-Pronged Approach To Time Management 

  • What processes need to be more efficient?

    Smooth and efficient processes will help maximize your time and create clarity to give you an extra boost toward accomplishing your goals. Take a look at which processes - such as lead management, client onboarding, or billing - relate to your top prioritized goals. How can you automate these processes or clean them up? 

Third, create your boundaries:

  • What things do you need to accept will take a back seat?

    The one of the keys to effectively prioritizing goals is accepting that other goals are going to have a lower priority. Categorizing everything as a top or critical priority will just lead to overwhelm and underperforming.

  • How will you make sure your time is going to the right actions?

    This may correlate with your consistency action plan and implemented time management strategies. Though, it will still be important to continuously evaluate where your time is going so you can stay on top of it. 

  • What gaps will you need to cover?

    Look at what actions you want to be doing that relate to your goals. Are there actions/tasks that will be necessary to accomplishing your goals - such as bookkeeping, calendar management, or social media - that you don’t want to spend your time on? These are gap areas or areas to outsource. And if there is a gap, fill it now! Too often, we see business owners wait until they are at top capacity to start hiring team members. This creates a hectic training environment for new team members and often sets them up for performance failures. 

If you know your potential gaps, then our team of virtual assistants is ready to help! Reach out to us here

If you’re unsure what gaps you may, then download our Stay Focused & Outsource Guide for 41 tasks you can hand over to a virtual assistant.

Now you’re ready to conquer quarter three and quarter four! 

We’d love to hear if this article helped you. Let us know by commenting on our Instagram post or emailing us at info@auxosvs.com


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