Working From Home - Loss in Productivity?

Due to the last couple of years forcing most businesses to shut down, currently 46% of white-collar US workers have some type of hybrid schedule. With Labor Day marking the end of summer, many bosses are losing patience and want their workers back in-person. Those remote employees seeing the benefits of their home office, won’t give in that easily. Yet there are concerns for their career being in jeopardy. Let’s look at a few reasons why working from your home office may be beneficial to both you and your employer.

  1. Flexibility

Waking up and being steps away from your desk automatically provides flexibility. There’s no commute to deal with or rush to catch. This gives you a few more minutes to sleep or sip your coffee, and be near the kitchen for a refill. After a long morning, those breaks at the water cooler can be replaced with going outside for a refresh or spending quality time with your family. Workers are no longer simply thinking about hours and wage but flexibility with their work.

2. Less Burnout

Having the option to go into the office or stay at home throughout the week with a hybrid schedule is really showing benefits to employees. In a recent survey, only one in five workers wants to be in the office all week. Yet, employers plan to push their workers to be in-person at least three times a week. Once a recommendation, now an enforced rule. 

3. Communication Not Lost

There are so many programs and apps to communicate virtually, even to the same level or better as you did in the office. There is Slack, Google Meet, Zoom, Tandem, and many more. Teleworkers are taking advantage of online tools and platforms to keep in touch with co-workers. When a meeting is needed face to face, a team can return to the office for the day, and work from home the next. 

With a peak in the demand for labor, employees have the advantage to negotiate the flexibility they prefer. So many are leaving their jobs to look for new ones available, employers need to keep this in mind. If you work from home, do you enjoy the flexibility or do you see distractions? If your employees decide they want a hybrid schedule, will you compromise? Follow us on Instagram to join the conversation.


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