Tasks Health Businesses Can Give to a VA Today

If you run a health business, there’s no doubt you started it in order to help others. The tedious tasks that pop up can distract you from that passion. Patient engagement is important for the success of your business and you deserve to focus your time on that success - to focus on the people and not the process.

Hiring a virtual assistant allows you to delegate those tedious tasks and stay focused on your passion. Here are five examples of tasks you can outsource to a VA today:

  1. Billing & Insurance Verifications

It seems that every month there’s another insurance company that needs updated information and verification. Billing details can get complicated, and if that’s not your strength, a VA can handle everything. Calling insurance providers directly, and keeping track of copays, deductibles, and claims, takes time, but it’s all part of the job.

2. Patient Follow Up

When your schedule is filling up with appointments, it can be hard to juggle incoming patient inquiries on top of it all. Train your VA to handle patient follow-up and inbox management. 

Simple questions that potential clients ask can be quickly answered by a VA and not take time away from your day.  

3. Calendar Management

A VA can also keep your professional and personal calendar organized. They can communicate with clients to schedule appointments as well as send reminders for those upcoming. They can also handle the headache of appointment cancellations and rescheduling. 

4. State Report Filing

State report filing creeps up on your to-do list and you can easily push it off for later. Yet, these legal requirements could cause problems or penalties if you don’t get them taken care of. A virtual assistant will stay on top of these reports so you don’t have to. 

5. ERP or CRM Support 

Virtual assistants can track and manage your business leads, prospects, and accounts. As your business grows, so does your customer base, and you don’t want your customer service to fall behind. A VA can set up and take responsibility for your entire CRM system to maintain your brand’s reputation.

Want help with these 5 tasks and more? Click the button below to find out more about how VA services can help your business.


Three-Pronged Approach to Time Management


Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Hire a Virtual Assistant