The Most Requested Virtual Assistant Services by Busy Executives

If you’ve recently heard of virtual assistants, you may wonder what exactly they are, or ‌what exactly they can do for you and your business. That’s a great question, and one I hope to answer for you here.

We can define virtual assistants in a lot of different ways. At Auxo Business Services, we pride ourselves on being assistants that can anticipate your needs, organize your chaos, and streamline your to-do lists. Sound like something you could use? Let’s dive into the practical tasks we do each day that help busy executives like yourself.

Calendar Management

Have you ever forgotten an important meeting, or missed a deadline because there were just too many things on your calendar at once? A VA can help schedule your appointments so that you don’t double book yourself or overlook an important family obligation. They can help your team schedule meetings, so you aren’t spending your time attempting to align the times or having to reschedule for a conflict.

Email management

Right now, I’m getting a notice from Google every time I sign into my email that my account storage is getting low. Can you relate? Or do you just want to give up and start over when you see the little blue bubble on your phone that tells you there are 1000 unread emails to sort through? One of our top job requests for Auxo virtual assistants is to help manage emails.

Email management can be as simple as deleting an email account for a former employee or unsubscribing from junk mail.  You can also ask your assistant to send emails to your clients or respond to emails on your behalf. It can also look like sorting your emails into folders and alerting you to something that needs urgent attention. It could also include saving important documents into your CRM, saving you the time of doing it yourself.

Along the same lines as email management, virtual assistants can also check an online fax account or telephone service messages. They can pass those items that truly need your attention onto you. A virtual assistant handling these frees up your time to focus on more important tasks.

Business Research

Sometimes you know a task needs to be done, but you aren’t exactly sure how to do it. Other times, there are things you want to look into, but you just don’t have time to sift through all the information out there. This is where you can really benefit from a research VA.

Currently, one of the Auxo VAs is researching all the requirements for her client to file an LLC. She will figure out the required information needed and the process to follow. She will work with the client throughout the process and ensure he doesn’t miss any important steps along the way.  Another VA helped an organization determine if pursuing a trademark is the best option for their group. She discovered all that would be involved in the process, which path would be the best for them to follow, and the cost involved.  

This doesn’t have to be limited to business use either. Other VAs have helped their clients research cleaning services, building contractors, and phone services. If you have a research topic to tackle, designating it to a VA can save a ton of time.

Creating Documents

Document creation is often essential in a business, but it can also take a lot of time away from other important tasks. Do you have an upcoming meeting and need a presentation for it? Are you going to an expo and need some flyers designed? Do you ever need a report created about business financials? Have you ever wanted to put up some creative posts on social media? These are all tasks our virtual assistants handle regularly. These are the tasks you know need to be done, but you just don’t have one more creative idea or one more hour in your day to tackle them. Virtual assistants excel at these roles and are glad to take them on.

Making travel arrangements

Researching flights, rental cars and hotels can quickly take up an entire afternoon and leave you with a headache. This is just one more thing that a virtual assistant can handle for you. You provide them with your travel details and preferences and they’ll get that booked for you in no time. No hassle, no headache.

This list is certainly not exhaustive of what virtual assistants can do, but I hope it gives you a glimpse into what VAs do, and the many benefits of hiring one. If you find you want to hand off one or more of these tasks, we’d love to talk about what that would look like. Book a no-obligation chat online to find out how a virtual assistant can best be of service to your business.


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