Unlock the Benefits of Working With A Professional Virtual Assistant

At Auxo, we define a Virtual Assistant as someone who can anticipate a business owner’s needs, organize their chaos, and streamline those exploding to-do lists.  As a business owner, you might define a VA as your right hand man, or even your secret weapon.  No matter how you define it, a virtual assistant is ready and willing to come alongside a busy and passionate business owner to eliminate distractions and propel their business forward.

How exactly does a VA advance your business and become your secret weapon?  I’m glad you asked!  There are endless benefits to hiring a virtual assistant, and a myriad of ways that they can support your individual business.  Let’s dive into a few of the biggest benefits of adding a VA to your team.

Discover the power of delegation

We all know there are tasks that need to get done, but these often get displaced by tasks that are either more urgent or more pleasant to do.  However, when you procrastinate on those tasks, they typically build up or get even less fun to tackle!  Instead of finding you’re a week behind on billing, you may find yourself months behind, and now you’re past the point of timely submission deadlines.  Or you waited a while to follow-up with someone’s purchase, only to find out they had emailed you several times with questions that you had missed.  Those scenarios are far too common, and can end up costing you money, and your reputation.

With a VA, you can train them how to handle those tasks once, and you know they will be taken care of in the future.  Moving forward, they’ll follow-up with your customers and make sure important emails don’t slip through the cracks.  They’ll submit medical appointments to insurance and make sure insurance pays the full amount owed.  Whew!  That’s a load off your plate!  It’s also more money in the bank and keeps your customers happy.

Lean on a support partner

Earlier I mentioned that your VA can become your secret weapon.  As you work together, you’ll learn that they do more than handle the tasks you hand over to them.  They will become such an important part of your team that you wonder how you survived without them before!  Your business success becomes their goal too, and they’ll work toward that end each day.

Here are a few scenarios where a VA can truly become your business’s support and champion.  Imagine your VA opens up your calendar and realizes you overbooked yourself this week.  They can reschedule one of those appointments for you, or if you prefer, give you a heads up so you can decide which one should take priority.  Or, they can set your projects up in a task management system and stay on top of your progress and upcoming deadlines.  If you know you’re the type that needs a reminder to stay on track, a VA can send you regular updates or notifications to alert you.  Finally, they may know you have a big event coming up and remind you of the reservations that need made, invites sent, and gifts purchased, and offer to do all of that for you.  Wow!  Think of how nice it would be to not even have to think about those things, and now they’re done!

Gain access to expertise for specialized projects

You likely started your business because you were passionate about something or skilled in a specific area.  That’s what allowed you to succeed in the first place!  As you continue in business, you’ll discover that there are areas you just aren’t as skilled as you need to be to keep your company running at full throttle.  This is a perfect time to invest in someone who does have the skills you need.

At Auxo, we hire virtual assistants that will have experience in various areas, and we invest in ongoing training so they are always up to date in their skills.  If you’re looking for assistance with billing, social media graphics, CRM updates, research or more, we’ve got you covered.  Let us help you with those specific skills we’re already trained in so you can invest your time in more impactful work.

As a business owner, you certainly can go it alone in your business.  You can make all the decisions, perform all the tasks, connect with all your customers and then all the success truly  depends on you alone.  That can be a big weight to bear though!  If you’re serious about growing and making your business even stronger and more profitable, at some point you’ll want to consider adding other skill sets to your team.  A virtual assistant can be a cost-effective addition and a boost to your business’s productivity.  Connect with us today for a no-obligation chat and we’ll discuss how a virtual assistant could benefit your business.


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Why Virtual Assistants Are an Ideal Choice for Small Businesses