Apps Every Small Business Should Have

When it comes to starting a business, the to-do list can feel never-ending at first. From secretary of state filings to branding to actually getting customers or clients…there’s a lot to do.

That’s why it’s important to set yourself up for success from the very beginning. Don’t wait until you think you’re “big enough” to eventually get organized. For smoother growth and less headaches, start being organized from day one. 

One of the ways to do this is to set up the right systems or apps from the start. While we have a slightly larger list of processes and systems your business needs, here are the top three we recommend to get you started:

1.Task Management Tool

Task management tools make it easy to track tasks, prioritize, and keep up with everything you have going on. The long to-do lists aren’t going to stop once you’re up and running; they are only going to get longer. Don’t risk losing track of a to-do, keep your list in your task management boards! We highly recommend, but Asana, ClickUp, and Trello are also popular options. 

2. CRM or Client Interface 

Depending on what type of industry you are in, you may need a CRM, ERP, or other client/patient/customer interface software. Making sure you have a way to track your leads and current customers will help you never miss a sale. 

3. Social Media Scheduler

You don’t need to be on every platform, but you do need to have a consistent brand presence on the platforms you choose to be on. That’s why social media schedulers are so vital. Systems like Loomly (our favorite), Later, Planoly, and Hootsuite allow you to create content and schedule it in batches so you never have to miss a post. This also allows you to focus more on engaging with your audience and community rather than stressing about getting the next post up.

Starting with these three simple yet effective apps will dramatically change how organized and efficient your small business is! It’s the little steps we take that change our success trajectory.

If you’re looking for help setting up these systems or managing them, reach out to us here


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