3 Creative Ways We Communicate With Clients

One of the things business owners often dread when bringing on a new team member is finding the time to train them! And even after a VA is trained, check-in meetings are still something else that needs to get on the calendar. 

Now, we can’t do our jobs effectively without a strong communication line between us and our clients. But we also recognize that our goal is to alleviate stress from our client’s lives and not add to their to-do list. So, we find creative ways to keep in touch! 

  1. On-The-Go Phone Calls 

Not everyone is available to sit down on zoom to go over questions, updates, and tasks. So we fit into the schedule where we can! Keeping a task management board up to date gives us a ready to go agenda to quickly get the information we need to do our jobs while keeping our clients apprised of their business operations. 

2. Using Shared Albums on iPhones & iPads 

If a client and a Virtual Assistant happen to both have Apple products, this tip may come in handy. While a busy entrepreneur is out and about, they don’t have time to share information via text or email. Just snap a photo or screenshot and share it to a Photo Album on your Apple device linked with your VA, everything is all in one place. Below each photo, you can comment to explain what is needed and your VA can comment back, never having to be online at the same time but still on the same page with tasks. 

3. Add Comments On Tasks In Task Management Boards

Task management boards like Monday.com (our fav), Asana, and ClickUp have features to leave comments on particular tasks, keeping notes and updates organized. Leaving comments directly on a task lets our clients stay in the loop on our progress and also gives them an easy way to provide information and feedback without getting bogged down in emails. 

We definitely appreciate when we can have consistent check-ins with our clients because it optimizes communication so that we can always keep tasks and goals moving forward for our clients. But we also don’t let their busy schedules stop us from getting things done! 

If you’re worried that your busy schedule would be a challenge with a virtual assistant, then you’re probably already at your capacity and need a VA more than ever. Get started with us and we can talk through the best way for our team members to partner and communicate with you. 


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